An Invitation..

-"Huh? What happened" I was awakened once again with water,But, this time i was in Jack's arms.

-"Are you OK?" he said.

-"Yeah, this is a first blacking out twice in one day"

-"This is not the first time, today?"

-" No, i blacked out during P.E. I got hit by a volleyball, But I've never blacked out with out getting hit." i said.

He looked surprised and so was I.Why did he care if i fainted or not? Why was in his arms?Why did he want to talk to me? He obviously is really hot and I'm just normal, a guy like him should never be intrested in a girl like me. He should be talking to Staci the head cheerleader, she looks like his type.

-"I'm fine don't worry" I said getting up from the floor.

-"Are you su-"

He didn't finish his sentence, when he eyes turned to what i didn't notice a scratch on my arm. I must have gotten that from the corner of the table when i fell. I was amazed by what i saw my blood it was a really deep red. I turned to look at jack when his eyes changed color. He has mood eyes but really obvious mood eyes.

-" Come with me. " he said taking me by the arm.

There was nobody in the library, except the librarian. She looked as Jack and me headed out the doors. She looked worried, and i was getting angry. Who did he think he was to just take me without asking me and grabbing me by the arm? I felt weird, like something in me wanted to fight back. I had no idea where Jack was taking me until i saw a dumpster and figured out we where behind the cafeteria.

That's when it happened, I shrugged Jacks strong grip off my arm. I didn't think i could do it. I just shrugged it off like if it weighed like a feather. He looked at me and his eyes widened.

-"What is up with you? You can't just grab me like that i don't even know you that well." I said but not meaning it i feel like Ive known him my whole life.

-"I'm sorry" He said looking down. Like a little boy who knows he did something wrong.

I couldn't help but forgive him.

-"Um,its OK. But, now that you yanked me the the back of the cafeteria and we are alone." Looking around to make sure, I looked at the dumpster with a ugly look and turned back to him.

-"Your right we don't know each other that well and yo-" he said something i couldn't hear it. He said it really low almost like mumbling.

I looked at him with a confused face, he didn't notice until he looked up at me. His eyes where green again,he has this sweet innocent face, the bell rang.

-" I have to go " I said.

I didn't turn around to see if he followed or tell him to follow. But, i could feel him looking at me when i walked away.Believe it or not i wanted to stay with him, at that moment i didn't want to be without him. I ignored what i felt once again.

The last three periods went by slowly, I had Justin in algebra. We had to do book work ,we usually work in partners. Then Art and after art Spanish. I pick up my car today, Finally after a week of riding with my mom. You think that time at home is enough for your mom to bore you with things that you really don't care about, riding with her was like hearing a lecture about politics. I was standing in front of the school, waiting and heared music. When i saw him, i really didn't think about him after lunch today and I've come to notice he likes to appear when my mind is totally blank. Jack Force, was walking to his car. His dark brown,kinda long, hair moving back as he moved forward, i could see his profile again. Suddenly he turn around and my eyes looked the other way. I still don't understand why he didn't say anything and dragged my all the way the the back of the cafe, for nothing. I guess I'm not the only weird one at this school.

The week went by slowly school was school, homework was homework. Everything went back to the same after Monday, until Friday. Jack and me had 2 periods together , we didn't talk at all after Monday. But today at lunch he came up to me while i was sitting with Justin.

-"Can we talk?" he said.

I knew i put an annoyed face i would have said what so you could drag me the the back of the cafeteria and say nothing at all.But, Justin was there and i never told him what happened that day. Justin was looking at me confused like saying do you know this guy.

-"Um,Justin I'll be right back this wont take long." I said getting up from the table.

Jack and me went outside to the courtyard and sat down on some steps that led to the library.

-"Well,first i really want to say I'm sorry for what happened that day. I know you must think the worst of me..." he just kept going on about he was sorry and i couldn't resist but to put any anger i had for him away and forgive him.I stoped him before he could talk anymore. I put one finger on his lip. I could feel the warm soft texture of his lips, I quickly took off my finger.

-"Look, i accept your apology. Don't worry let bygones be bygones." i said.

-"I couldn't bring my self up to come and say sorry to you until today I'm a very stubborn creature." he said. His eyes widen like if he shouldn't of said that.

-"Yeah, we are not creatures we are human beings we are allowed no make mistakes."

-"That's what you think" he said it low thinking i didn't hear it, but i did. I kept it to myself.

-"So,everything OK at school? People being nice?" i said with a small laugh.

He was looking down at the ground , But, i saw him smile.

-"Yeah, everybody is very welcoming."

Things were silent for a few seconds.

-" You want to have dinner tomorrow night?" he said.

I was left shocked.

-"Are you asking me out on a date?"

-"If that's what you call having dinner with me tomorrow night then yeah. I'm asking you on a date." he said with a smirk on his face.


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